Saturday, June 6, 2020


Greetings friends of ChiFly!

We are pleased to announce that we are cautiously reopening the retail shopping at ChiFly as of yesterday, June 5th. 

For the time being, we will have some modified realities to deal with, but we are thrilled to get back to doing what we do best!

We are limited to having a max of 4 customers in the shop at any one time, and have taken all kinds of measures to make your shopping experience as safe as possible.  All of our staff is wearing masks, there is plenty of hand sanitizer on hand, sneeze guards have been installed around the counters, and even or ventilation system has been modified to vent the air in the shop constantly.   Hopefully some day this will all seam like overkill, but we want you to know that we are trying to proceed with your and our safety in mind.

Face masks are required to be worn by everyone that enters, and due to the limited capacity, we ask for your patience and understanding should you need to wait to enter.

If you see a green sign on the door, knock and we will let you in.

If you see a pink sign on the door, that means we are at capacity and we will let you in as soon as we can.

We ask for your understanding as we figure out things and procedures one day at a time
If you prefer - CURBSIDE PICK UP is absolutely still available.  Just place an order on line, choose Curb Side Pick up as "shipping option" and we will contact you and arrange a time for you to pick up your order. 

Also, feel free to call and let us know if a specific time is available for you to visit, and we can do our best to accommodate.
So as we all begin our journey back to "normal" times eventually, we hope that all of these crazy events that we are living through right now fade into bad memories before too long. 

In the mean time, we hope that you and your families stay well, that you get out there and begin to enjoy some days on the water soon, and that you remember that we sincerely appreciate all of your support always - even more so now!

On behalf of Jon, Zeph, Lincoln, Bill, and Liam

Keeping our fingers crossed and looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Andy Kurkulis
Chicago Fly Fishing Outfitters Ltd.

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